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Pernak Pernik Lucu & Unik

Hp : 021 9904.2546 / 0857.1007.3282

Rabu, 30 November 2011


gelas unik yang gambarnya dapat berubah menjadi ucapan ulang tahun jika di isi air panas juga dapat mengeluarkan musik happy birthdays...
Sangat cocok untuk hadiah ulang tahun orang yg kita sayang 

 Harga Satuan : Rp 86.000,-
(Harga Belum Termasuk - Ongkir)

Info Stok & Pemesanan
wulan 02199042546 / 085710073282
YM : wulan_juroku@yahoo.com


Versi terbaru dari gelas rubah warna/gambar.. kalo terkena air panas akan berubah WARNA/GAMBAR pada gelas.... Cocok bangeett utk kado special orang tercinta kita.. Unik kaaann... Yuuk di order.. 

Harga Satuan : Rp 76.000,-
(Harga Belum Termasuk Ongkir)

Info Stok & Pemesanan
wulan 02199042546 / 085710073282

Laptop 160 Layar Warna (Maaf Stok Sedang Kosong)

Laptop dengan fungsi Letter study, letter stroke order, finding the same letter, ordering letters, fill in the letter, memorizing letters, keyboard practice, word study, SPelling words, Recombining the word, completing the word, memorizing words, finding words, Magic Words, reviewing the words, learning number, fill in the number, ranking words, memorizing numbers, count the pic, substraciton, addition, multiplication, division, mixed calclation, fill in number, fill in the symbol, comparison, odd even number, number rule, multiplication table, dll

* Utk 6th + , volume 1kg
* Layar berwarna. Ada 2 motif (Putih Biru, Putih Pink)
Harga satuan : Rp 235.000,-
(Harga Belum Termasuk - Ongkir)

Info Stok & Pemesanan
wulan 02199042546 / 085710073282

CUTE NOTEBOOK 120 (Maaf Stok Kosong)

Laptop anak disertai dengan cd sebagai tambahan fungsi.
2 Bahasa: Inggris dan Indonesia.
Utk 5th+, Volume 1kg.

Description of the functions: 1. Learn the letters 2. Put the letters in alphabetical order 3. Practice Typing 4. Learn the words 5. Fill in the letters 6. Dictate the words 1 7. Put the word in order 8. Choose the right word 9. Choose the right letter 10. Word Magic 11. Learn Numbers 1 12. Addition 2 15. Subtraction 1 16. Multiplication 17. Division 18. Odd number or even number 19. Compare size 20.0 The rules in the numbers 21. Play music 22. Appreciate Music 23. Calculator 24. Draw a picture 25. Notepad 26. Learning the clock 27. Clock 28. Count the numbers of the pictures 29. Get out of the maze 30. Unfold the cards and match CD- ROM Function Manual 1. Fill in the letter 2. Finding the same letter 3. Ordering Letters 4. Spelling words 5. Dictate the words 2 6. Correcting words 7. Reviewing the word 8. Learning Numbers 2 9. Fill in the numbers 10. Ranking numbers 11. Mixed Calculation 12. Multiplication Table 13. Test the notes 14. Countdown 15. Stopwatch 16. Choose the same picture 17. Match the pictures 18. Finding different pictures 19. Identify the picture of a different type 20.0 Spell the puzzle 21. Snakes Subsonic 22. Fixing Wall 23. Catch the mice 24. Catch the gold coins 25. Jumping 26. Mark the track 27. Memory 28. Push the boxes 29. Plane Game

Tersedia pink dan biru.

Harga Satuan : Rp  172.000,-
(Harga Belum Termasuk - Ongkir) 

Info Stok & Pemesanan
wulan : 021-99042546 / 085710073282